医学词典里找到2个相关词条: wash | Wash.
wɑʃ,wɒʃ; wɒʃ< wash >
washed, wash.ing, wash.es
1 a. 清洗; 洗
wash one's hands 洗手
wash windows 洗窗户
b. 洗掉
wash grease out of overalls 把油脂全部洗掉
2 弄湿
Tears washed the child's cheeks. 泪珠弄湿这小孩的双颊
3 冲击
waves that washed the sandy shores 海浪冲击著沙岸
4 冲蚀; 冲刷
Heavy rains washed the topsoil away.大雨冲蚀掉泥土的表层
5 洗清; 使清白
wash sins away 洗清罪名
6 涂颜料; 涂水性油漆
a. 用溶剂清洗
b. 用溶剂冲过
8 用水冲洗分离
9 产生漩涡
washed the tea around in the cup 使茶杯里的茶旋转不已
1 清洗
2 a. 耐洗
This fabric will wash. 这布经得起洗
b. ((口语)) 经得起考验
"That (proclamation) of course, will not wash." (John Hughes)那个宣言当然经不起考验
3 冲击
Waves washed over the pilings. 海浪拍击著木桩
4 被水冲走; 随水带走
1 清洗
2 待洗之物
The wash is on the back porch. 要洗的东西在後面的门廊
3 废水
4 发酵液
5 清洁用品
6 漱口水
7 a. 用水彩淡淡的一刷
b. 淡淡的色彩
a wash of red sunset 一抹斜阳
8 a. 浪击
b. 浪击声
9 a. 冲蚀
b. 沈积物
10 a. 低地; 湿地
b. 浅滩
11 ((美西)) 乾涸的河床
12 (飞机) 飞行引起的气流
13 ((口语)) 没有得失的行为
"(The company) doesn't do badly. That is, it's a wash." (Harper's)公司的经营情况不至太坏, 也就是说不赚也不赔
1 用来清洗的
2 可洗的
wash down
1 冲洗
wash down the walls 冲洗墙壁
2 随┅咽下
washed the cake down with coffee 随咖啡咽下蛋糕
wash out
1 a. 洗掉
b. 褪色
color that had been washed out by bleach 漂白水把颜色褪掉了
2 被冲走
The river rose and washed out the dam. 河水暴涨, 冲溃水坝
The road has washed out five miles down the mountain.山下的路被冲坏了五哩
3 精疲力竭
By evening, I was washed out from overwork.到了傍晚, 我工作得筋疲力竭
4 删除; 淘汰
a football player who was washed out 被淘汰的足球员
an officer candidate who washed out after one month一位公职候选人在一个月之後被淘汰了
5 被雨水侵蚀
wash up
1 洗脸; 洗手
2 ((主英)) 清洗碗盘
3 精疲力尽; 累坏了
She's all washed up as an editor. 当编辑使她累坏了
come out in the wash
1 真相大白
The real reasons for her resignation will come out in the wash.她辞职的真正原因一定会暴露出来
2 完成
Don't worry: this project will come out in the wash.别担心, 这计画一定会完成
wash (one's) hands of
1 退却责任
2 放弃; 弃权
< Wash. >
((略)) Washington


